They tried for nearly 40 years to convince us the world was warming but we eventually realised it wasn’t so they came up with new scare story That we faced a climate catastrophe. That the oceans would rise up and engulf us like some beast from below. That the end was nigh unless we gave up all of our privacy, liberty and freedoms and surrendered ourselves to them so they could unite us all in panic to fight this global threat to our existence. The only problem is that global mean temperatures didn’t rise, in fact they have been stable now for more than 20 years (a fact very reluctantly admitted to by the IPCC in 2013 [1] ). Genuine scientists believe we are actually in a cooling phase [2]; the mini ice age that was predicted in the 1970s before Global Warming had been invented by the Club Of Rome as a way to achieve global unity and hence global control. Nowadays we know it as globalism but it’s far from a new ideology. It has been planned for many decades. The oceans haven’t risen either – despite the best efforts of the aviation industry to melt Arctic ice by sending 50,000 flights a year over the Arctic, creating vast amounts of cloud cover which warms the atmosphere, not to mention the ‘Black Carbon‘ trails which turn the ice black increasing melting further [3] [4]. In fact, despite increasingly desperate and dire headlines in the Murdock Media everything seems relatively normal actually. So much so in fact that even Mr. & Mrs Rich T Biscuit are now wondering what on earth all the fuss was about and what on earth these mad old boffins are on about. What a lot of tosh. So… hundreds of $billions have been invested in scaring the hell out of us but we haven’t fallen for it at all, or maybe a little bit in the middle perhaps but certainly people are now largely dismissing the Global Warming – re-branded Climate Change – fiasco as a rather unfortunate mistake at best, or possibly a blatant hoax at worst. Clearly the latter in our minds. So, this leaves a very large section of the...
Read MoreHundreds of transient, transatlantic flights are routed unnecessarily over London every day. Why? The gallery below is just a few images taken in the first few days of June 2017 showing unequivocally that transient transatlantic flights are being routed by NATS – National Air Traffic Service – out of their way to pass over London. Most of these flights will also be at altitudes not normal for long-haul flights, often well below 20,000ft. While doing so they also broadcast false ADS-B altitude information to pretend they are flying at 34-40,000ft which is normal cruising altitude for long-haul flights. Simple logic that dictates that if you can see a plane with the naked eye and make out the wings, tail fin, the livery or any features of the aircraft then it is very likely below 20,000ft. A plane flying at 37,000ft is barely visible at all, just a tiny spec… that is because it is 7 miles high. Think about that. We have also filmed this in action many times to show what we mean. We have reported this suspicious behaviour to the CAA, NATS, The Mayor of London both at his Mayoral office and his parliamentary office and to the The MET Office (because they are creating cloud cover). We have been stonewalled every time, either completely ignored or told quite simply that we were wrong and that this was not happening. Err… it clearly is, so these people must therefore know what is going on and are afraid to comment or do anything about it. WHY ? You can do this at home. Simply go to (FR24) and wait until a plane flies over you. If it is flying low enough for you to see the wings and other features of the plane clearly, click on the plane on FR24 and lo and behold you will see the flight number, the airline, the routing and most importantly the altitude. We bet you a pint of beer that FR24 will say it is flying above 34,000ft. NB. This has nothing to do with as they run a purely reactive system that cannot alter data, which is collected from many independent sources. It is the airlines that are...
Read MoreThis year is going to be a crucial one in the fight to return our skies to the big deep blue and fresh clean air we used to have back in the 1970s. We have several things lined up starting small and getting bigger as the year progresses. We have spent the past 4 years investigating, researching, submitting evidence and cornering the organisations involved in, complicit in, or those who simply choose to ignore Solar Radiation Management. The idea is that they now have nowhere left to hide. We have the evidence. We have the denials. We have the letters and emails refusing to act in the public interest. Now we will act. Not only to show people the wilful negligence of those who are supposed to have our interests at heart such as the CAA, but also to initiate legal action to bring these people and organisations to justice and to make them accountable for their illegal, immoral and reckless conduct. We will also be making a feature-length documentary film on the Climate Engineering Conference 2017 event in Berlin this year. This is a big project and will require about. £20-25,000 to complete, so we are going to be pushing hard for people to finally dig deep and donate to ensure this campaign achieves is ultimate goal of preventing the official approval by the EU and European regulatory bodies if the proposed SRM programs which we feel is imminent. Read more below. 2017 Campaign Trailer – Easy as 1 – 2 – 3 We need to raise £6000 for this trailer. We have purchased the trailer already for £3000. The remaining £3000 is for signage and promotional material. If we raise more than £6000 we will purchase a large TV and computer so we can show people footage of SRM in progress in UK and time-lapse films of SRM. We realised early on that the only way to do this successfully is to get out there and meet people. With a proven track record over 4 years of direct campaigning you know that your money will be spent wisely and used for maximum effect. Brighton-2 Camp Bestival Global March-London Hyde Park Corner London The MET Office...
Read MoreThat is why Global Warming had to be re-branded as Climate Change. Despite the best efforts of the Climate Engineering movement to warm our atmosphere by dumping thousands of tonnes of aerosols and particulates every day, the global average temperature has not changed significantly and there is no observable warming trend whatsoever. Climate Change is the new and stupifyingly ambiguous name for Global Warming. The world didn’t warm, so they moved the goal posts preferring to rely on more subtle and hard-to-prove things like flooding and extreme weather to scare us. Both Global Warming and Climate Change have been force-fed to society for so long and so relentlessly that most people are utterly convinced it is real. Though the more astute seem to have worked out that it hasn’t warmed or that the media seem to hysterical about it, presenting very one-sided reportage, the majority of people still believe that the world is somehow under threat from this terrible thing that threatens to both drown us and burn us alive. The real science The reason most average people remain convinced about the warming theory is that the media, that bastion of truth and independence (not) that most people rely on for their information, only reports pro-warming and alarmist ‘science’. They conveniently ignore, or try to rubbish, the fact that 31,487 scientists to date, including 112 atmospheric scientists and 32 climatologists have signed a petition to the US government stating that they do not support any of the alarmist science behind the Global Warming Hoax, and feel the draconian legislation that is planned is politically motivated rather than anything to do with science. The following websites are just a few of the multitude of pages that provide information that show that Global Warming, and its ambiguously re-branded name Climate Change, are just a huge political hoax. Weather Action Global Climate Scam Climate Change Hoax Global Warming Hoax NIPCC Articles in the press Daily Express – Climate Change biggest hoax in history Real weather records Fortunately there are many people who make it their business to monitor the weather and it these people who are so valuable in our fight to expose the truth about what...
Read MoreMore and more genuine science is pointing to current SRM programs being cause of Climate Change A recent article published by reports that a study published recently by Jerry Tjiputra and colleagues at Uni Research and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research highlights something we have been saying since late 2013; Climate Engineering, specifically SRM – Solar Radiation Management – is the likely cause of current weather anomalies and not a solution for the ever flailing theory of Global Warming and it’s even more ambiguously termed re-branded name Climate Change. Impact of idealized future stratospheric aerosol injection on the large-scale ocean and land carbon cycles The abstract can be viewed and the full paper can be purchased here for a small fee. Though the paper does not directly suggest CE is happening now and the cause any unusual weather phenomena and environmental anomalies, it does suggest that CE would cause negative consequences for oceans, water cycles and land environments. It is hard to ignore the fact that there is a strong correlation between what the paper suggest would happen if these programs were implemented and what we are seeing in patterns in the Biosphere and Hydrosphere right now. Their simulations indicate that a large change in precipitation patterns will occur which will alter the productivity of terrestrial vegetation. In addition, ocean conveyor belt circulation will be affected, leading to a wide-spread and acceleration of ocean acidification rate in the North Atlantic seafloor, 3 examples from the paper are changes in global precipitation patterns, a disruption of the gulf stream and other ocean currents, and increased ocean acidification “…deliberate climate fix, where you inject a large amount of aerosol particles to the sky in order to prevent global warming, should not be considered as a strategy to stop climate change.” Other examples The scientific world is awash with papers and articles that cast doubt on the entire CE debate, citing all manner of risks problems with the idea, including the rather glaring problems that the world is not actually warming, and the fact that spraying chemicals into the sky would not do anything to reduce what is now hailed as the cause of Global Warming – CO2....
Read MoreSadiq Khan’s farcical plan to clean up London’s air fails to mention aviation as real cause of the UK’s smogs… As we try to understand the frightening implications of the rigged London Mayoral election which has given Sadiq Khan and his Communist backers another 4 years to continue the destruction of London and the attack on the hardworking people of London by taxing their vehicles so highly they can barely afford to travel. Of course, this has the knock on effect of bringing small and medium businesses to their knees and some have already gone out of business because of the crippling taxes imposed by the completely fictitious poor air quality ‘crisis’. Not content with the Congestion Charge, the ULEZ was introduced in central London initially but has now spread to greater London, trapping millions of people. The rest of this article is the original draft from 2017: His press release states: – Implementing a £10 Emissions Surcharge (dubbed the ‘T-charge’) on the most polluting vehicles entering central London from 2017. The charge would apply to all vehicles with pre-Euro 4 emission standards (broadly speaking those registered before 2005) and will cost an extra £10 per day on top of the existing Congestion Charge. – Introducing the central London Ultra-Low Emission Zone one year earlier in 2019 – Extending the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (‘ULEZ’) beyond central London from 2020: for motorcycles, cars and vans, to the North and South Circular; and for lorries, buses and coaches London-wide The full text including the other measures can be seen here. Barking up the wrong tree All impressive sounding stuff but all this big-talk from the new kid on the block is clearly just a fanfare to accompany his arrival on the London Stage and try to win favour. The entire plan is utterly misguided at best, or at worst a blatant attempt to divert attention away from the real cause of the terrible pollution in the capital… aviation. Having listened carefully to him since his appointment as Mayor of London, we suspect the latter. This would also explain why Mr. Cameron cosied up to him so quickly despite him being a Labour Mayor. Mr Cameron’s soundbite “We’re all in this...
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