It has become clear to many now that what we see and hear in our media is a very one-sided view designed to entice us into the official line of thinking. Some might call this indoctrination. Nothing new there then; the Catholic church has been vigorously practising this for centuries so as to control the populous, but this new form of scientific manipulation is far more sinister and attempts to control the flow of real science for political reasons. Heartland Institute is a breath of fresh air in the musty world of controlled science and have launched their climate science awards as a way of recognising those genuine scientists who do real work and refuse to kowtow to the official IPCC line, preferring to present the real science. —————————————————————————————————————————————————— Climate Scientists Recognized for Courage and More The Heartland Institute is pleased to announce the launch of a new website dedicated to a series of awards given to scientists and activists in the field of climate change. About the Awards Who honors the brave men and women willing to speak out against global warming alarm-ism? What awards do they receive when their politically correct universities and scientific societies turn their backs on them and refuse to honor their service to science? Read the full article here....
Read MoreWe went, we distributed, we enlightened. 5,500 leaflets given out. Very few left on the floor, and very few people were dismissive, with loads of people stopping and talking to us, and many reporting they knew all about the trails as well. Absolutely amazing success, and one we are very proud of. We would like to send a huge thank you to all the people that helped us distribute, including some who simply joined in because they thought it such an important issue. We have felt the need to clarify some concerns that a few raised. One summarised them by asking if were “anti-green then and anti climate change”, so we had to clarify our position… Read the full article here....
Read MoreThe videos from the Climate Engineering Conference 2014 are now online. These are just the plenary sessions, not the lectures themselves, but give a very interesting insight as to the flavour of the event and the mindset of the people behind it. We are currently still in the process of writing up the event, and will release our video and audio recordings of the lectures we attended very soon, together with our take on the content of those meetings. We managed to make a very big impression on the event as a whole, so in that respect it was a great success, but on a deeper level it gave us a very profound understanding of exactly what is going on, so us being there was incredibly important and worth every penny of the £2k we spent getting myself and and Terry Lawton* out there. The videos are very interesting and even the introductory speeches reveal a great deal about the agenda behind this organisation and the event as whole. Please take the time to listen and think… We summarise the event on this page....
Read MoreClive Hamilton is what you might describe as one of the global Climate Engineering agitators, and part of a small clique of so-called ‘scientific advisers’ and climate alarmists, who acts primarily for the major globalist corporations that are behind the current Climate Engineering programs. He claims they are officially only starting to become interested in the topic but we know that not to be true from patent records and investment records, Bill Gates being a prime example. We need to realise the game here, which can be simplified and summarised as such: Climate Engineering (Atmospheric Aerosol Injection particularly) is designed to warm the planet and increase CO2 by spraying stuff into the sky, so they can then say they need to save us from warming and rising CO2 by spraying stuff into the sky ! Read the full article here....
Read MoreWhat is the connection, if any, between the rising incidence of sunburn, the increasing prevalence and variety of climate engineering over the UK, and Why have the World Health Organisations predicted a Tidal Wave of Cancer ? We discuss possible links and evidence. Read the full article here....
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