Despite our best efforts to remain focussed on Climate Engineering we have become increasingly concerned with the Global Warming Hoax. In this short article we expose the fact that 31,000 scientist have signed a petition to the US to abandon the agreements made in Kyoto. The website basically amounts to a mass of scientific objection to and disbelief in the now widely discredited Global Warming/Climate Change Hoax. Far from being a separate issue, or even a tangent, these two topics are fundamental to each other… Read the full article here....
Read MoreAs we wake up to the lies we see the beginning of the clamp-down on free speech. Is our free society about to be brutally terminated? David Cameron made an address to the UN recently in which he repeatedly drew parallels between non-violent ideology extremism and terrorism essentially declaring anyone who questions the official line on virtually anything a potential terrorist, and the target of new legislation to be introduced. Following on from our recent article warning of the introduction of a state of emergency and the potentially sinister implications of allowing our government to do so, we analyse this very disturbing speech and discuss what we feel is the true, underlying meaning of what is being said, and its possible implications for our free society. We also respond to the speech with an official statement questioning the legality of what could be seen by many as an act of aggression against the British people and our way of life. Read the full article here...
Read MoreOne airline serves 53k gallons of tomato juice p.a. We look at why and the possible links to Climate Engineering… As a dweller of pubs and bars I know that on terra firma tomato juice is not normally a contender in the popular drinks listings, quite the opposite, and even when dealing with soft drink options, most people will normally opt for a fruit juice over a liquefied vegetable… Read the full article here....
Read MoreWe marched on Downing Street and handed in our dossier of evidence on 27th September. No signatures, just evidence and demands. Our leaders have until October 25th to reply. If they don’t bring about the immediate cessation of all atmospheric spraying programs over the UK they could be held accountable and liable to prosecution for failure to act to end a crime against humanity. Version 2 is being completed now. We hope to have it published and distributed before Christmas. Download version 1 of the dossier here....
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