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Video footage and films
Our Vimeo Channels

Links to our Vimeo channels, with stunning footage of CE in action and time-lapse of skies over London

This page directs you to some of the latest footage we have taken with our new 83x Nikon camera, plus our almost* daily time-lapse skies over West London.

in this modern age of immediate reward, many find it too strenuous or time-consuming to read page after page of evidence and comment, so we created 2 channels on Vimeo to show some of the more recent film footage we have taken about this subject.

This is by no means all we have done, and indeed we have terabytes of footage still waiting to be published but much of it related directly to as yet unpublished investigations.

What you will see though is some stunning clips, short films and out documentaries that show unequivocally that aircraft are being used to release aerosols into our skies during flight. If one takes the time to watch as much as they can, there really is nowhere else to go other than to accept this is happening. no amount of denial, pseudo-science or denigration theories can explain massive plumes of stuff coming out of the pylon of planes flying as low as 16,000 or less over London on summer days. Even the official science states very clearly that it cannot be condensation or ice crystals as the MET Office are trying to claim.

We shall leave it there…. images often speak a thousand words.

Enjoy !

This is where we show all of the clips we have released so far, mostly aircraft ans short films associated with the topic.

Time Lapse Skies London


this channel is dedicated purely to the time-lapse films we now record over West london. We try to ensure we cover every day, but this is depending on work load.