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Media blackout on Solar Radiation Management

Media blackout on Solar Radiation Management

By on Apr 6, 2017 in blog |

This morning we tried again to get onto LBC to speak with London Mayor, Sadiq Khan. This is the 4th attempt this year to reach him on LBC to ask why aviation is completely excluded from the discussions on air quality in London. Once again were thwarted. Previous attempts have resulted in us simply not being put through, but this time they just hung up and did not call back. We have also been cut short and disrupted many times on other shows when attempting to broach this subject. Clearly they do not want this information in the public domain. LBC is a great way to get this topic on air when discussions center on air quality so please call in and mention SRM as often as you can. We are known to them so they try to block calls on SRM, but if you are not a regular caller you will get through. Don’t mention SRM to the researcher, just slip it in once on air. 0345 60 60 973

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If you are in any doubt as to what is going on then don’t forget to watch our daily time-lapse films of skies over West London. They show that the air we breathe is a soup of stuff that is being released by aircraft as they fly out of their way to pass very low over London every day. While Sadiq Khan tries to ban diesel vehicles from London’s streets, he refuses to answer our emails or calls to ask why he is not talking about aviation’s contribution to the ‘toxic smogs’. If you think that is just an oversight by him then think again. Visit one of our 2 Vimeo Channels here....

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Rosalind Peterson at the UN discussing the possible harmful effects of current Solar Radiation Management programs on agriculture and the environment in general. She also discusses the effect of reducing the efficiency of solar power. If one accepts that the airlines being used in these programs are backed by oil-producing nations then it seems clear that reducing the potential of solar power may be a deliberate and desired effect. As always, follow the money.

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