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Some sense in the house

Some sense in the house

By on Dec 29, 2015 in blog | 0 comments Just a quick one to show that not everybody in parliament is part of the Global Warming, re-branded Climate Change, hoax. There are many in positions of influence who, like us, know it is all part of a Poli-Comm plot to deceive society and lead us to a situation whereby we approve Climate Engineering on the back of the perceived climate emergency that is being created....

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‘Global Warming the greatest scam in history’ claims founder of Weather Channel

‘Global Warming the greatest scam in history’ claims founder of Weather Channel

By on Dec 15, 2015 in blog | 0 comments

As the Climate Hoax ship continues to sink we are seeing ever larger rats jumping ship. In June this year The Daily Express reported that John Coleman founder of The Weather Channel, has publicly declared that he has no faith at all in the crumbling theory that emissions from industry is causing our world to warm, or that we face any risk at all from climate change, which is probably just part of the natural global climate cycle.   Read the full article here....

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Attack is the best form of defense

Attack is the best form of defense

By on Dec 9, 2015 in blog | 0 comments

We were delighted to read an article by George Monbiot in the Guardian Online recently. To be featured in The Guardian is great, even it is negative publicity. The article reveals the establishment fear that we are finally breaking through into the mainstream consciousness and that people are accepting this is happening. Read the full article here....

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