Sadly our prediction that more and more Airbus A320 family aircraft will crash in unexplained circumstances has once again come true. A Metrojet flight from Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg has crashed killing all on-board. We think this is yet another failure of the pressurised systems fitted to these aircraft. Read more here....
Read MoreWe publish a gallery of daily images from the Worldview satellite showing the results of the daily onslaught in our skies together with damning evidence of the 3 primary types of induced clouds produced by aircraft. Read more here.
Read More- About the subject
- New to Climate Engineering
- Further Information
- Further Information
- The Evidence
- The Evidence – preface
- Clouds
- Black is the new black
How Carbon Black melts ice and causes warming - Land-hugging Induced Cumulus noticed from Int. Space Station
- New drop-clouds identified
- Induced Cumulus – MET Office unable to explain
- Red sky at night – everybody’s warning
- Fade to grey
- Partly cloudy ?
- Ain’t no sunshine…
Satellite images 2015 - Most obvious aerial spraying over London this year
- London hit again by massive spraying
- Induced Cumulus only form over land.
- A day in the life of a London sky
- 2 days in the south of England
- Moon Halo? It’s normal honestly.
- Visual – Just Look Up !
- Satelite images and images from planes
- New kid on the block – barbed wire trails
- Black is the new black
- Aircraft
- Close ups with our new x83 zoom camera
- Yet another A320 down in suspicious circumstances
- Black trails – incontrovertible proof
- And ANOTHER unexplained, mid-air, fatal explosion !
- OWOW leaves no room for doubt
- Yet another unexplained explosion
- Metrojet damning new evidence
- Metrojet Flight 9268 update – mid air fireball
- Yet another one bites the dust – Russian Metrojet A320 crashes
- The chemicals being loaded…
- Yet another passenger jet goes down as predicted
- Smoking Guns
- Airbus A320 family dispersal systems
- 168 Patents relating to Climate Engineering
- Fatal flaws in the GW/CC/CE hoax
- Contrail research – COSIC and ACCRI
- Tomato juice please
- Fibrous Smogs are back again
- 10 reasons why the trails we see cannot be natural
- What is a contrail and when should we see one?
- High-bypass Turbofan Engines cannot produce trails of any kind
- Airbus A380 dispersal systems
- Mind the gap ! 900+ Celsius to -57 Ceslius in 2ms?
- Planes now make clouds – OFFICIAL !
- Aerotoxic Syndrome is
corporate manslaughter - Google maps captures climate engineering from above
- Lectures
- Roll Up, Roll Up to The Greatest Show On Earth
- Climate Engineering Research Symposium documentary
- SRM Conference 2015
- C.E.C. 2014 – Berlin
- MIT Geo-engineering debate – 07.08.2013 – Harvard
- A Case For And Against Climate Engineering – David Keith
- Davik Keith and Oliver Morten – UCL
- Geoengineering The Climate – Prof. John Shepherd
- Public references and meetings
- Comment
- Comment
- SRM is cause of warming, not the solution
- Mayor’s congestion tax hike is a smoke-screen
- …there isn’t really any hard evidence…
- Never wake a sleepwalker they say
- How to block the sun – an easy recipe
- The camera never lies…
but The MET Office do - Scientists apparently ‘floored’ by what’s happening in the Arctic
- EU behind Climate Engineering – VOTE LEAVE !
- Proof that Fakebook is filtering information
- The softly, softly approach.
- Time lapse camera makes it easy for people to understand
- Aviation emissions excluded from Paris deal – of course !
- Is George Monbiot a minion?
- Roll Up, Roll Up to The Greatest Show On Earth
- The MET Office wouldn’t lie to us. Would they?
- No Planes, No Clouds, No Sunburn !
- At last some sense… or so it seems.
- Smogs Caused by Aircraft Emissions
- We are being lied to – it’s official.
- Army Announces New Govt. Trolling Brigade…
- September 1983…
- Inextricably linked
- Terrorism, the law and the end of free speech
- It’s all in the wording…
- Climate Emergency – The Real Reasons We Need To Be Scared Of It
- Sunlight, UV, smogs and low-level ozone.
- Global Warming – fact or fiction – and the connection to Climate Engineering
- Politics and the climate engineering conundrum
- Events
- Reference
- Social Media