A newly discovered research paper from 1974 confirms what is going on behind the black trails we reported on in 2014. Weather Modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy not only explains the science in detail, but even states that this technology can be used to melt frozen landmass. We now have a complete picture backed up with solid evidence to show that the Arctic is being deliberate and systematically melted, probably for both political and commercial reasons. Read the full article here....
Read MoreA recent study concluded that Climate Engineering would not stop atmospheric warming but simply change patterns of precipitation, increase ocean acidification and change ocean current patters. Now forgive us for stating the obvious but does that sound familiar to anyone? More and more studies are finding that the effects of Climate Engineering would produce exactly the same conditions that we are currently experiencing around the world. Read more here....
Read MoreThis short film is yet more incontrovertible proof that the spraying we see in our skies is not natural condensation.. Sadly many will still try to deny this and think of a suitable explanation so as not to have to confront this situation. Please show this to any Climate Engineering deniers you may know. Watch the film here. ...
Read MoreDuring a lecture at what looks like Cambridge University CERN particle physicist Jasper Kirkby openly discusses the ongoing use of manufactured aerosols sprayed from aircraft to create clouds. “There’s plenty of evidence that large regions of the climate are lacking sufficient aerosols to form clouds. Contrails are a well known example of that. There are not smoke trails these are clouds which are seeded by jets dumping aerosols into the upper atmosphere” “This is a non natural condition, this is where we generate several hundred % super-saturation” Read more here....
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